Thursday, April 29, 2010

And with this, goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow. ♫
W.A.R.M.T.H. represent! ♫
Embraceable y'alls! ♫
Have a drink on me! Thanks for the props @Gamera ♫
Chin up then. ♫
Hugs a guitar like a baby. ♫
This beat has beats. ♫
A few more before bed. ♫
South side represent. ♫
Lend an ear and listen ... ♫
If you boys get in the mood, you can join us. ♫
Is the distance, not the speed .... ♫
Tomorrow is, in fact, Friday. ♫
I still miss this synth, even though it was a weak effort from Oberheim ... but I mean, Don Buchla ... ♫
Seeing them live last night made me realize I don't love her voice. Everything else is bliss. ♫
These Heads Talk well ... ♫
I'm ready for this beach ... ♫
Who drops PROBE followed by Tammy? I do. ♫
I'm all over the place tonight ... And now, ACID! ♫
I still have a crush on Molly Ringwald & that's just Ducky with me! ♫
De La, De La, Goril-La-z! ♫
I need to get to South America soon. ♫
Who loves a simple break? I do! ♫
Here's a good song to close the day with ... ♫

KORG monotron Song (finger & stylus)

Easily the best thing I've seen today! If you suffer from gear lust, you need to see this and feel guilty about not using your kit to its fullest extent.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What's the next step for cougars? I mean what's an old cougar called? This isn't a joke, I'm asking ...
Beach House with Washed Out at The Mercy Lounge tonight. I'd say c'mon along but it's sold out so you slept too long!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I was brave & my head dropped below the surface ... warm water gurgled into my ears & at once the throb of jets swept me into aquatic bliss.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Wanna Be Like You

I love me some Louis Prima, and the Jungle Book was always one of my faves. I wish they'd tuned the baseline in this mashup to match the pitch of his voice, but still really fun! Thanks Ben for sharing!

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"As you walk & eat & travel, be where you are. Otherwise you will miss most of your life." - Buddha

Saturday, April 24, 2010

If your venture has drop ceilings, you're disqualified from the "trendy" short list.
Bread: if it doesn't begin life as a loaf, it's NOT bread. Put your rolls & muffins away.
A tornado is too much motivation for turning in short times at the Music City Marathon. Good Luck runners, and stay in one spot Nashville!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Children should be neither seen nor heard.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

All traveling family in house and cozy. Great to have them here.
Random thoughts from the GMAs: One of the nominees looks like Sawyer from Lost, & I think Marty Erat is sitting in the front row.
The family arrives today! Strap in and hang on!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Big time goal Marty Erat. Penalty shot score, high glove side. Awesome!
HELP! My nephew's song is in the running for the Orlando Magic playoff theme. Please vote for "The Wav: It’s Our Time" at:
Running errands in preparation of my family's arrival in Nashville. Yay!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Owl City seems to use Clavia products exclusively. Great orchestrations (live strings, bells), great sound, beautiful lights. LOUSY dancing.
Owl City show. Beatles-Mania-esque screams. More hand-holding than at a skate rink. & The Youth w/ fat-width neon laces of different colors!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Today we successfully built a raised 4'x4' garden complete w/ chicken-wire critter-baffling lid. Vegetables go in tomorrow & pics to come!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just watched 2012 (or 2010 as Lisa calls it) & think it needed more plot elements & more CGI. Also, loving the NHL playoffs so far! 1 & 1!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Bari solo on this track is something else! ♫

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" needed way more action & digital effects. I loved their snow suits & I wanna' play with my old toys!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just watched the original "Clash of the Titans". It's the first time I've seen it all the way through & it's way less cheesy than I recall.
Who is this Many More cat playing all the music festivals this summer? He's booked solid!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Got DEMF 2010 tickets today (who loves the Cogswells? WE DO!) & can't wait to hang with them back in Detroit! Who else is going?

dub street posse - jungle coffee

I just came across my copy of this. Still sounds fresh to me!

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Now this is the sort of weather I moved to Nashville for. Sunny, blue skies, mid 60s ... beautiful!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Everythings Amazing & Nobodys Happy

Love this bit. Always makes me laugh. "Give it a second! It's going to space!"

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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

"I'm shape shifting from place to place, bending time, curving space."

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Test mark 2, the new adventure.
I appear to have an issue with not updating my status on FB (which is a long winded way of saying TEST!)
Why are fruits so much tastier than vegetables? No punchline here, I'm asking!

Monday, April 05, 2010

What's better than sitting next to skinny kids at the Ryman? Sitting next to *shy* skinny kids who are scared to crowd your space!
Tweet & Retweet were walking across a bridge. Tweet fell in. Who was left?

Auto-Tune the News #11: Pure Poppycock. (ft. Joel Madden)

Ha! Brilliant!! And I love the idea of a news anchor reporting while playing the theremin!

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Sunday, April 04, 2010

"I am just doing the Lord's work. I ain't got much style; God don't want much style, but he gives you wisdom & sends you along."-W Edmondson
@ elemar "Snoop Dogg ft. Pharrell – (Acid Drop It Like It's Hot (les visiteurs Mix)" Thanks @paisley ♫

Thursday, April 01, 2010

A reason to love Nashville: live Bluegrass after 9PM on a Thursday night at a mere Mexican dive. What's more? They're smokin' pickers!

How to Make Peepshi = Peeps Sushi | Serious Eats : Recipes

I don't like peeps but this seems really fun!

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